Follow-up after Nuss procedure
Follow-up after Nuss procedure involves removal of stitches, X-ray, appointment with the doctor and removal of the bars after 3 years.
Removal of stitches
The stitches will be removed at your own doctor’s surgery after 10 to 12 days.
After 6 - 8 weeks you will be X-rayed to check whether the positioning of the bars(s) is correct. If you live a long way away you can have the X-ray taken at your local hospital and have the images sent to Aleris Aarhus, where the surgeon will look at them.
We will make an appointment to follow-up on your healing process. It can either take place by phone, video or as a physical consultation. You are welcome to contact us any time if you have questions.
Bar removal
The inserted bars must remain in place for three years, after which they will be removed. This takes place under a full anaesthetic as a day surgery intervention, and you can go back home after a few hours.