In order to determine whether pectus surgery is the right treatment for you, we need you to send us x-rays of your chest.
Preliminary examination
Before a decision on an operation for funnel chest you will come in for a preliminary examination by our thoracic surgeon. If you are living abroad, the preliminary examination can take place over video.
At the preliminary examination you will talk about your symptoms and wishes. The specialist will examine you and explain the options to you. If you agree that an operation is the right thing for you the specialist will go through the course of events and possible side effects and complications with you. You will discuss what is to be expected from the operation and the importance of rehabilitation.
Fasting before Nuss procedure
The operation takes place under a full anaesthetic, so you must fast before it.
Pausing with medication
If you are taking any of the following drugs you must observe the following
- Drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. Hjertemagnyl, Magnyl, Aspirin, ldotyl, Treo, Kodimagnyl). Discontinue for the three days prior to the operation.
- Medication for gout (e.g. Brufen, lpren, Confortid, Naprosyn, Voltaren, Diclon, Ibumetin, Ibuprofen etc.). Discontinue for the three days prior to the operation.
- Anticoagulant treatment (e.g. Marevan, Plavix). At the preliminary examination you will discuss with the specialist how to proceed.
- Fish oil and other natural remedies. Discontinue for one week prior to the operation.
Admission to the hospital
You must expect to be in hospital for two to three days.
On the day of the operation you will talk to the physiotherapist about exercises and restrictions during the period after the operation. You will be given a programme of exercises.
You will also talk to the specialist and the nurse, who will give you information on the period of hospitalisation and the period following discharge.
Before the operation, blood tests will be taken and your rib cage will be X-rayed again.
Then you are ready for surgery.