Aleris has modern departments of anesthesiology. We create a secure environment with the latest knowledge and technology.
Sedation is a matter of trust
Aleris' departments of anesthesiology use the most modern anesthetics and pain treatments. You will be sedated by a nurse, who is specially trained in anesthesiology, in collaboration with a doctor specialised in anesthesiology. All anesthesia care meet the best national and international standards.
Intensive monitoring of newly operated patients
Newly operated patients are monitored by experienced nurses with advanced monitors. All equipment meet the highest standards for monitoring newly operated patients.
Security 24 hours a day
After the surgery, an anesthesist is available 24 hours a day. This is to ensure a prompt medical review in case of acute problem and to optimise pain relief.
High level of information
You will always get a conversation with the anesthetist before the operation. The anesthesist will give you information about the sedation and pain management based on your personal health condition.